Shipping Flow

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Fill in delivery details such as recipient name, address, phone number and email address.

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Free Shipping on Order Over $500.

PayPal / Visa Check Out
Checkout by PayPal, you can still paid by credit card directly without PayPal account.

Order Confirmation
Verify your order items and quantity.

Product Delivery
Product will be sent to the requested location.
Online Shopping Policy
The submission and confirmation of your order means you understand and have accepted our Online Shopping Policy.
All Information in the website is the exclusive property of Natural Fortune Food Product Limited, and it is under the protection of intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright). Unauthorized use of any Information in the website is an infringing act under the laws and rights. All Information (in whole or in part) of the website may not be used, copied, sold, transmitted, modified, published, stored or otherwise exploited, for any purpose without our express consent.
Force Mature
We shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond the control of us.
Local Ordering
No prior notice will be given if any items are sold-out. We also reserve the right to reject any order you place with us, and/or or to limit quantities on any order, without giving any reason. If such case happens, we will attempt to notify you by phone or email.
While we endeavour to ensure the exact appearance and colours of our products on this site as the physical products, we do not provide guarantee on this.
Each purchase more than the designated amount will have a free delivery service. We reserve the right to charge additional fees in the following circumstances: repeat dispatch of returned goods due to incomplete, incorrect delivery address provided, or no body collect the parcels at the designated delivery address or within the designated period.
Refund / Replacement of Damaged Order
If you find your order damaged upon delivery and want to arrange for refund or replacement, you are required to return the damaged goods and the related delivery note for our inspection. Only damaged orders that are notified within 3 days of receipt and returned within 7 days of receipt will be accepted. We reserve the right to reject any request for refund or replacement upon inspection of the returned damaged good and the supporting documents.
We reserve the right to amend and revise our sales prices, delivery charges and Online Shopping Policies from time to time without prior notice; we reserve the right of final interpretation and decision.
Online Shopping Policy
The submission and confirmation of your order means you understand and have accepted our Online Shopping Policy.
All Information in the website is the exclusive property of Natural Fortune Food Product Limited, and it is under the protection of intellectual property laws and rights (including without limitation laws protecting copyright). Unauthorized use of any Information in the website is an infringing act under the laws and rights. All Information (in whole or in part) of the website may not be used, copied, sold, transmitted, modified, published, stored or otherwise exploited, for any purpose without our express consent.
Force Mature
We shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond the control of us.
Local Ordering
No prior notice will be given if any items are sold-out. We also reserve the right to reject any order you place with us, and/or or to limit quantities on any order, without giving any reason. If such case happens, we will attempt to notify you by phone or email.
While we endeavour to ensure the exact appearance and colours of our products on this site as the physical products, we do not provide guarantee on this.
Each purchase more than the designated amount will have a free delivery service. We reserve the right to charge additional fees in the following circumstances: repeat dispatch of returned goods due to incomplete, incorrect delivery address provided, or no body collect the parcels at the designated delivery address or within the designated period.
Refund / Replacement of Damaged Order
If you find your order damaged upon delivery and want to arrange for refund or replacement, you are required to return the damaged goods and the related delivery note for our inspection. Only damaged orders that are notified within 3 days of receipt and returned within 7 days of receipt will be accepted. We reserve the right to reject any request for refund or replacement upon inspection of the returned damaged good and the supporting documents.
We reserve the right to amend and revise our sales prices, delivery charges and Online Shopping Policies from time to time without prior notice; we reserve the right of final interpretation and decision.